Housing Choice Voucher Program for Landlords

How to Become a Housing Choice Voucher Landlord
Effective immediately, CGI will no longer accept HQS Self-Certification forms. All RTA submissions will require a physical inspection to occur prior to the initial move in.
Below is the process to register as a new landlord:
- Attend a landlord class which is held quarterly or schedule an in-person (on/off-site), voice, or video call meeting with the Landlord Relations Supervisor. At that time proof of ownership, W-9, property management agreement (if applicable) may be submitted. This allows us the opportunity to give an overview of the program and answer any questions you may have.
- Market your unit ( www.AffordableHousing.com).
- Once you have selected your tenant and have approved them based on your rental criteria, fill out their RTA packet (tenant will provide this to you). When the tenant or the owner submits the RTA packet to CGI we will recognize you are not in our system and send you a welcome letter along with the documents needed to register if this was not completed during step one. At this stage we will also determine rent for this specific tenant based on their qualification.
- CGI will assign a vendor number (also known as L number) and profile including preference type for payment.
- The inspection will be scheduled within 1-10 days of the RTA submission. At this stage we will determine the rent reasonableness of the unit and rent you are requesting according to amenities and market around like units.
- When the contract is executed payment will be disbursed.
To schedule your appointment, sign up for class, or request additional information please email cmha.hcv@housing.systems.
Browse our Housing Quality Standards page and read HUD’s guide "A Good Place to Live!" for the basics on preparing a unit to meet standards for rental through HCV. For a complete guide to the HCV program, read the HCV Admin Plan.