Requirements & Guidelines

Two sets of hands show one person handing keys to another person.

Ownership Change Requests

Once the Ownership Change Packet is completed, forward it back to After it is approved and processed, you will receive a Housing Assistance Payment (HAP) statement(s) confirming the transfer was finalized via mail. Payments are disbursed on the 1st or 15th depending on the date the transfer is completed. For the transfer to be completed we must have all required documentation. If the change is requested after the 1st of any month you will need to recoup any funds before we were notified from the current or previous owner. Our office has up to 30 days from the date we receive all completed documentation to process changes requested.

A registration letter with your assigned vendor number will also be received regarding setting up your bank account for e-disbursement and login for the landlord portal from the payments department. Please DO NOT submit banking information to us in your packet. If the date the transfer is completed is too close to our next disbursement date, then we will issue a physical check to the address you provided on the documentation submitted until we can get the account set up for e-disbursement. If the unit is being managed by a third-party agency or private property manager a property management agreement must also be submitted with this ownership change. Proof of ownership and ID is required.

Please email if you have any question during the process.

Rental Property Registration Requirements for the State of Ohio

Ohio House Bill 294 (effective September 28, 2006) requires the owner(s) of residential rental property to file certain information with the County Auditor of the county in which the property is located. Residential rental property is defined as: real property, 1 or more dwelling units leased or rented solely for residential purposes, mobile home park or site where lots are leased for parking mobile/manufactured homes/RV’s for residential purposes. To register your property with the Franklin County Auditor’s office visit the Franklin County Auditor website and follow the “Register As a Residential Rental Property Owner” link.

Request for Tenancy Approval

Please make sure you complete all sections of the Request for Tenancy Approval form and be sure to attach a copy of the unsigned lease you want to use. You will need to list the square footage for the unit and the year built. Unless we have this information, we will not be able to accept the form. If you don’t know the square footage, you may visit the Franklin County Auditor’s website.

Initial Contract Payments

Every effort is being made to make the first payment for a new contract as soon as possible. However, contracts cannot be processed if owners have not signed the housing assistance payment contract. A letter will be mailed detailing when the contract is ready. The contract may be signed in our home office during the Contracting Department hours or e-sign. Our goal is to make the first payment within thirty days of the effective date of the contract.

Initial Inspections

Initial inspections are scheduled up to 1-10 days after the Request for Tenancy Approval form (available at CGI) is submitted and approved. Your unit must be ready for occupancy at the time of the initial inspection. Do not rely on the inspection report as the unit’s maintenance work order. CGI may refuse to conduct the inspection if the unit is not ready to be inspected. HUD’s guide, A Good Place To Live! (PDF) is an excellent guide for preparing a home for rental through HCV programs.

What are Housing Quality Standards (HQS)?

Housing Quality Standards (HQS) are minimum property standards that have been approved by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. CGI is required to enforce these federal property standards to ensure that all HCV assisted properties are decent, safe and sanitary.

We apply these property standards in a fair and consistent manner. Our ultimate priority is that all program participants are entitled to decent and safe housing. Landlords and their HCV residents have dual responsibilities for complying with HQS regulations. Our HCV staff is committed to working with landlords and residents to ensure that all of our assisted properties meet Housing Quality Standards. See HQS guidelines (link to subpage) for recommendations on how to properly prepare your property for inspection.