Housing Quality Standards Non-Compliance

Two sets of hands show one person handing keys to another person.

Non-compliance with Housing Quality Standards means:

  • Six (6) or more rent abatements in a retroactive 12-month period from the current month
  • Four (4) or more HAP contract cancellations due to HQS non-compliance in a retroactive 12-month period from the current month
  • Units submitted for initial (move-in) HQS inspections that are repeatedly (four (4) or more units in a retroactive 12-month period from the current month) not ready for immediate occupancy and are not in compliance (more than six (6) HQS violations, including any utility that is not operating at the time of the initial inspection) with HQS regulations
  • The owner is currently cited by code enforcement officials for serious property code violations and these violations have not been corrected. Serious code violations are building code violations that pose an immediate threat to the safety and welfare of the legal occupant as determined by local building code enforcement officials.

If any of the above policies are violated, we may suspend an owner’s future participation in the HCV program for a period of 12 months from the date of notification to the owner. Reinstatement of the owner’s participation in the HCV program will depend on the owner’s efforts to comply with CMHA, HUD and state/local laws and regulations. If we determine that the owner has not made a good faith effort, the suspension may continue for additional 12-month periods until the owner demonstrates to CMHA’s satisfaction that sustained progress had been made towards compliance with HCV regulations and the CMHA administrative plan policies.

While existing HCV contracts are not affected by the above policies, we reserve the right to cancel an owner’s remaining contracts if there are continued contract violations or for any of the violations listed above. We may permanently deny an owner from future participation if it is in the best interest of CMHA. However, if an owner has been cited by local code enforcement officials for serious unresolved building code violation(s) that endanger the immediate health and safety of the legal occupant(s) of the unit, we reserve the right to refuse the unit submitted for lease approval and inspection until the matter is resolved to CMHA’s satisfaction.

If an owner has more than one vendor account with CMHA, all vendor accounts are affected by the above policies. HUD regulations specifically state that an owner has no right to participate in a HCV program unless the owner complies with all program regulations and policies.

Please also be aware that units must be ready for immediate inspection unless prior arrangements are made with the inspector. Inspections with more than six (6) HQS violations will be recorded. Please cooperate by having your units ready for inspection in order for us to improve scheduling for move-in inspections and the quality of housing.

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